My parents were in Sacramento this weekend, so we took a short road trip to
Point Lobos State Reserve. Here are a
few pictures from
our trip:

Somehow, a wave snuck up on me and drenched my feet. I'm fairly certain that my dad's to blame...notice the seaweed in his right hand...

We stopped in
Carmel for the morning and spent some time walking the shops. We stopped in the
Robert Knight Photography Studio and saw some really amazing pictures. Fortunately, he was in the studio this day. He is genuinely nice guy and he spend some time sharing his amazing stories with us. Here's a shot he took at Point Lobos:

We also wandered into the
Carmel Bay Company and found this
funny children's book about Cowlicks, so we had to buy it. Given my childhood hair styles, I'm sure our baby will face the same challenge!
Thanks Mom and Dad for a fun trip! See you in a few weeks!