Friday, November 6, 2015

Cape Town: Lessons from Robben Island

The tour of Robben Island was powerful and moving.  It's the dynamic story of South African history and Nelson Mandela.

Imagine being held captive in inhumane conditions...for 18 years because of something beyond your control.

Upon release, you become President of the country, and subsequently forgive all those that tortured you and your closest friends - all with the vision of uniting a country that is bitterly divided.  It is an incredible story, and many deep lessons of forgiveness to apply no matter what your circumstance.

Robben Island Photo Frame

This is a photo outside Nelson Mandela's home for 18 years.
Mandela's Home for 18 Years

Table Mountain from Robben Island

Robben Island.jpg The tour of the island is given by a former prisoner.  This was our guide: Zolile Mgijimana.
Former Prisoner of Robben Island.jpg

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