Sunday, June 24, 2007

Baby Names?

So we started searching for baby names with a book we have. What do you think?

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Corey said...

Good to see your website! I need to check more often...I saw Outing drinking water and eating crackers; try some soy nuts to mix it up a little. The baby will like it. In terms of drinking wine etc, Josh really needs to drink for two (or three depending on how you look at it)...that is what I did in Italy last year and I had good results as I drank from the traditional liter flask. Too bad on your willow tree. Add some lighter fluid and have a nice bonfire. In terms of names, Corey is a very nice name. Have a nice weekend. Corey

Unknown said...

Thanks Corey! So glad you are keeping up with "the haps" in Calilfornia! You always do have the best suggestions!